Embed a Video in a Page


Log in to the website and navigate to the page you wish to edit. Select “Edit” in the menu beneath the page title.


A new window will open. The editing window contains boxed to edit each aspect of the page. The main content is edited under “Description.”


Set the cursor on the page where you would like the video to appear. Then select the icon for the media module.


When the media module opens, navigate to the menu in the top-right corner and select “web.”


At this point, move to a new browser window, and locate the video you want to embed in the web page.
If you are using a YouTube video, click “Share” in the box beneath video. Copy the url from the new box that opens below.


Copy the url from the new box that opens below the share button.


If you are using Vimeo, find the share button above the description of the video, and, in the new window that appears, copy the url from the box titled “Link.”


Most media providers will have similar share option.
Copy the link from YouTube, Vimeo, or another media provider.
Return to the website, where you have opened the media module and selected the “web” option.
Paste the link to the “File URL or media resource” entry. Click “Next.”


You’ll have the option of providing some information about the video. The name should auto-fill, but it is a good idea to provide a title.
Leave the Description category blank, as that feature if currently faulty.Click “Save.”


There is the option at this point to adjust the alignment of the video. You can choose to center the video, but  leaving it at “None” will keep it aligned to the left with the website text.
Click “Submit.”


In the editing interface, the video will appear as a grey box.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click “Save.


The video should now be available on your web page.




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